Our Mission
The Mathews Land Conservancy's core mission is to preserve and protect waterway access for public use, benefit, and education.
About Mathews Land Conservancy
Formed in 1994 the Mathews Land Conservancy relies solely on private donations, grants and use fees for general operations as well as property maintenance, improvements and project construction.
Our goal is to manage properties that enrich the public through environmental preservation, hands-on experience and education. Our focus is to beautify and enhance the community while positively stimulating business and preserving local history and culture.
Who we are: 400 years in the Making

The history of the Wharf includes centuries of use as a trading center and port of call for sailing ships and steamboats. In the 1930s, seafood businesses thrived, especially with oysters, and mountains of oyster shells formed a waterfront skyline.
In the 1950s, with the seafood industry in decline, oil companies moved in with a dock and trucking activities.

Uncertainty of the Future
​​By the 1990s, these businesses, too, closed their doors. Following the closing of the oil business, and a bankruptcy hearing, the property went to foreclosure with a judge at the federal courthouse in Norfolk in 1994.
The top bid was from a company that wanted to turn Williams Wharf into a gravel storage and distribution center. As you can imagine, this kind of use may have had a significant negative impact on the waterfront and the surrounding areas, as well as the road, since heavy traffic and trucking would be involved.

The Mathews Land Conservancy is Formed
Fortunately for the neighborhood and future generations of rowers, tourists and families, two representatives from a small, newly created non-profit in Mathews County showed up with a different idea.
After it seemed there was no chance for them to prevail, their offer was accepted, and Williams Wharf became the home of the Mathews Land Conservancy and the Mathews High School crew team.

A New Chapter for
the Wharf
Marine contractor and Mathews resident, Jim Smith, and Mathews High School crew coach, Tim Ulsaker, the founders of the Mathews Land Conservancy, had created a new chapter in the history of Williams Wharf.
Their vision was to preserve and protect the land and to build facilities for public access to the waterfront and educational and recreational activities related to Mathews’ maritime history and culture.

Working with this vision, a board of directors began to seek donations and grants.
​Progress began and continued after receiving more than $2 million in state and federal grants, $2 million from individual donors and foundations and a total of more than $4 million from the William F. and Catharine K. Owens Foundation over nearly 20 years.
​Today, after over $8 million in investments, the shoreline and environmental damage has been repaired and an activity building, fishing pier, floating dock, pavilion and walkways provide a place for residents and tourists alike to enjoy rowing, kayaking, sailing, fishing and special programs.

The Final Stretch
The Owens Maritime Education and Rowing Center construction has been paused, but when complete, it will serve as a regional educational and recreational center for waterfront and maritime education activities that will benefit Mathews’ residents and visitors for generations to come.

Future Direction
Complete the Maritime Center
Ignite National, State, & Local Government initiatives for funding
Accelerate Grant Writing
Continue to develop key synergistic relationships: Public, Academic, Governmental, and Private
Create Economic Development & Workforce initiatives to benefit Mathews County residents
Focus on Coastal Resiliency, Environmental Stewardship, & Recreation